PUMP N GHOST #010 | Something potentially really not good this way comes

Last time on PUMP N GHOST: Pump and Ghost were tasked with picking up Margaret’s (their coworker) cake for her in-office birthday party. Little did they know that they would have to go to friggin’ heck to pick up that cake. Also bigly lesser did they know they they would have to pick up the cake from literally the Angel of Death. The cake also cost a cool thousand bucks. Fortunately, Death was just rattlin’ their bones because Royce (Pump and Ghost’s boss) called ahead to pay for the order- he still kinda sucks though.

“Sweet Release” is the name of the bakery that Death just opened and he seems like a pretty cool dude. Also it seems like he knows Margaret somehow?

Everything seemed cool- our protagonists, Pump and Ghost, successfully retrieved the cake from “Sweet Release” but they didn’t head straight back. They dipped into a dive bar for a pint of Diet Dr. Kelp and to catch the premiere of “Mouse in Da House.” Afterwards they popped up to the Hellpire State building for a good view of the city before catching the ferry home. But they weren’t watching the cake! Someone booped it and it fell 500 stories below onto a bystander who was very happy that someone finally remembered his birthday. Ghost was in the middle of crafting a plan to stay in hell, but all hell breaks loose when Death arrives. #webcomic #halloweencomic #pumpnghost #bathroomatlantis

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